Conservation Quest: My Epic Internship Adventure - Siti Zarifah Aqilah

Who would've thought luck would lead me to the extraordinary journey of Nature's Nouveau at Tengah Island Conservation? As my feet landed on Tengah Island, everything unfolded like a vibrant tapestry of new experiences—scenery, people, food, and facilities surpassed my wildest expectations. Gratitude filled me as part of this incredible team, in a place beyond perfection. To seize every moment, I pledged to contribute fervently to our environment, particularly our oceans and planet. Thus, my spirited adventure commenced in the heart of Johor Marine Park!

Get ready for the ride of a lifetime – the journey kicks off right here! Not going to lie, the first few weeks here were pretty tough as there was so much to absorb, but I thoroughly enjoyed my learning journey. From not knowing how to find turtle nests on different islands and beaches, relocate the eggs in the hatchery, and release them back into the ocean, now I am capable of doing it all. It was a delightful experience to learn how to build a nest chamber, excavate the nest, and handle the little hatchlings every time they emerged from the nest, especially since it was my first time participating in turtle conservation programs. Moreover, during nest checks, we took turns monitoring the nests at night. We needed to stay vigilant as we navigated through the dark tree nursery area, the eerie compressor room door, and the seemingly suspicious dive activity area, especially after midnight. I am always in a hurry because I might be chased by the ghosts I conjured in my mind! It was truly unforgettable.

On the other hand, I gained valuable experience in honing my communication skills as I interacted with guests extensively throughout these programs. It was nerve-wracking each time I had to give a briefing for hatchling release, deliver educational talks, beach clean-up sessions and handle nest adoptions. Not only that, but I also connected with new people in the same field through outreach programs. Through these encounters, I gained extensive knowledge and a better understanding of the world out there as a marine biologist. Occasionally, I felt comfortable sharing information and experiences with tourists, as it helped broaden my perspective. There was a particularly memorable encounter with a Japanese family. They were absolutely delightful, and the kids, brimming with curiosity, somehow grew fond of me. It was a heartwarming experience, and I found myself genuinely enamored. Since then, the world of socialising no longer felt awkward to me.

Besides that, the most thrilling part of my experience was enhancing my diving skills here. I feel honored to have been mentored by two skilled dive masters, Aiman and Izzat, who patiently and passionately trained me underwater. In addition to scientific diving for Reef Check Survey purposes, I had the opportunity to explore the biodiversity at various dive sites around Johor Marine Parks. It was truly fantastic to engage in work I love with wonderful people and breathtaking views. There's nothing to complain about !

It's more than enough.

From the most fun and memorable dives to the challenging ones, every moment was absolutely worth it.

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