No One Will Tell You - Puteri Nur Al Aina

No one will tell you… 

That life is a journey full of unexpected twists and turns when you begin your internship at Tengah Island Conservation! 

Where should I begin? 

Let’s say that we were among the luckiest interns, involved in many activities and programs during these four months as islanders.

The fresh air, the beautiful sound of waves, and the peaceful environment away from city life. You also get to see beautiful marine life, and yes, guys, just want to flex that I saw sea turtle and blacktip shark during my diving survey. 

Bucket list checked!

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."

As a marine biology student, of course, you experience underwater adventures! From reef surveys, seagrass surveys, coral rehabilitation, and even coral relocation at Pulau Pemanggil. We were among the luckiest interns to have the opportunity to join the program. We met new and amazing people from Reef Check, Marine Park, Underworld Mersing, and more. We even  joined ‘Pasukan Pendidik Ekologi & Alam Sekitar’ or known as PEDAS, which is an outreach program that we did at some schools in Mersing. Love the enthusiasm of the students to learn about the ecosystem and marine animals.

I admit that my diving skills were not that good, but both Aiman and Izzat were very patient in teaching me. I still need more practice, but there have been some improvements along the way. I appreciate the feedback from both of them for future growth. Open your heart to accept the challenges ahead and at the same time, stay strong to improve yourself along the way.

This internship not only teaches you to understand workplace culture, soft skills, and good communication but also makes you realize your own pros and cons.

“So, are you up for it?"

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