Tengah Memoirs: Embracing New Beginnings - Alyssa Lim
A whirlwind of emotions and memories engulfs me as I reminisce about my 3 months here at Tengah Island Conservation. It has been a time filled with captivating landscapes, warm-hearted people, new experiences, and personal growth. In my blog, I aim to capture the essence of this remarkable place and invaluable knowledge I’ve learned along the way. So, join me on this virtual voyage as I share the moments that defined my time as an intern here!
First things first, as a shy and introverted person, the decision to come here alone was not an easy one. I was unsure whether I was truly capable and had many worries running through my mind for weeks. Now that this journey has come to its final days, I must say that though it was tough, it was one of the best decisions that I've made and would do it over again if I was given the chance.
So, I bet you’re wondering, how does a day in the life of an intern at TIC go?
“Well, it depends”. The iconic catchphrase of Izzat, our wise conservation officer. And it does really depend. The activities here on the island vary from day to day as there are a lot of uncertainties when it comes to weather, boat availability and resources. I know how daunting that sounds, but those uncertainties have taught me to be more adaptable and resilient to changes. What’s certain is that you will learn something exciting and fun every day. Morning boat patrols, turtle hatchlings release, handling turtle eggs, beach cleanups, marine debris sorting, survey dives, shark and turtle talks, microplastic surveys, maintenance projects and many many more.
I’ve learned more than I could ever ask for and made sweet memories with everyone that I will cherish forever. My diving skills have improved immensely since I got here thanks to the patience and efforts of Aiman and Izzat. Not to mention, learning how to carry out Reef Check surveys and studying to obtain the Eco Diver certification have been so fun and interesting. I see everything in a new light and am in awe of life underwater now, more than ever. As for the turtle projects, it was challenging and physically exhausting, but I have really enjoyed learning them. From spotting turtle tracks, to digging nest chambers, to night patrols and hatchling release, it has been a great ride. Moreover, I'm grateful to be able to know and love my fellow interns and volunteers. We have all come from various places and backgrounds, but we have made wonderful memories together that I will hold dear to me for a lifetime.
There is so much more that I can talk about but all in all, thank you, TIC, for this opportunity. Thank you, Tanya, Aiman, Izzat, Zam, Arina and Pei Vi, I've grown and learnt so much. I genuinely believe and am inspired by the work done by TIC to conserve and protect life on our beautiful planet. I’m glad I could be part of their journey. It breaks my heart to leave this place, but I'm leaving here truly content and happy with my time here. No regrets, it has truly been a wholesome journey.